There are those things that are just slightly handy to have around the house, and I've never managed to get around to buying them for myself. I'm sure I'm not the only person who does that, but, here are two house-y items that it would be nice to have.
Cake Stencils
I love baking, which should be a wee bit obvious, since I really love food, too. When I was littler, my mum had me take a cake decorating class, and I loved it. I still have all my tips and like that, but I don't use them often enough. I feel like I have to relearn all of the decorations every time I make a cake, since I only make three or four a year. On the other hand, I want my cakes to look nice. These stencils make cakes look nice without a lot of fuss, and I'm in love with them. You can see the book here.
Brentwood Brushed Twil Bedrest in Chocolate
That is definitely a mouthful to say. The beauty of these is, it makes propping up in bed or on the floor a bit more comfortable, since you have something to lean on, without having to pile pillows every which way. This is especially nice in my bedroom, where my wall happens to slant in right over the bed, sooo I'm already battling to be able to sit up without smacking my head against the wall. You can see the bedrest here.
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