Friday, November 2, 2012

Raggedy Ann Meets Her Match

Did you think Halloween was over? Seriously??


It isn't. I have one more party to go to tomorrow, and this one is themed (boo), and it has a stupid theme (feel free to join in on the booing, anytime). The theme is...wait for it....wait for it....

1930s Country

Boooooooooooooring. Go ahead, google it. It isn't impressive, at all. The only thing that would have been interesting historically in the U.S. at that point was the Depression, and I thought of it too late to make a potato sack dress (which would have been inaccurate, anyway--historically, they were usually made of flour sacks). I might change my mind and do it anyway if I somehow find some free or really cheap burlap today, but I doubt it. Actually, my creative juices seem to be awakening right now (I just realized Orphan Annie dates to this period, too), but I don't really have time to do anything that will take me more than, say, 30 minutes to do or make. 

So what am I doing?

I'm going as a rag doll, a la Raggedy Ann, without the cap, since I don't like how it looks. Anyway, it is cheap, and I have most everything for it. The only things I am lacking is a yarn wig (which is easily fixed--I'll tell you how Monday) and an apron. I already have decent shoes, and blue skirts/shirts/dresses, so everything should take off without a glitch. 

Hey, it is either that or I adapt my Phantom of the Opera/Addams Family Member costume and go as a widow. A yarn wig sounds more fun. 

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