I managed to fall down the hole of the etsy search engine today, so be forewarned that I have a few days worth of random cool items from etsy stowed for sometime soon. However, today I'm just going to settle with perusing watches, most of which are from a very cool seller that I found just recently. The seller is robinhoodcouture, who, incidentally, makes a lot of amazing looking items. I'm often glad that there are many other things that lay claim to my money, as I could easily get pretty carried away cosplaying. These accessories are absolutely adorable, though. I'm still playing with the idea of multiple watches, but I know that I would have to plan this very carefully, as each watch is around thirty dollars, depending on where you get it. Never less than twenty.
My favorite design right now is the Royal Crown Pocket Watch. Pictured above, this one does snap open and closed, unlike many other models I've looked at. I also really like the Victorian Heart watch, mainly because the handwritten style of the letters and the non-circular design makes me think someone was a little mad. My last favored watch from robinhoodcouture is more modern in style, being the Watch The Stars nautical design. I think that this character would be a mix of incredibly old items with a touch of new, odd, shinier items. In the end, I think I will probably end up with only one or two watches, if that, from here, but they still are a lot of fun to look at.
My other discovery was from when I managed to stumble into steampunk world (again). A necklace with the inner workings of a clock on it. How fun! I still have no idea why timepieces are so vividly connected with Hatta for me, but this is a fun accent. Browsing through the LondonParticulars shop, I see they have a variety of clock gut items. I guess a working clock would mean that Hatta is never late for tea, and thus would never need to hear "Off with his head!"
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