Star Wars. WHAT???? Out it came, and I marveled at the two records I now held in my hands. The Original Star Wars Soundtrack.
The cats weren't too happy with me as I got up and ran off looking for the turntable. With a little bit of help, I got the turntable set up and playing. And this amazing noise came out. It was different from the CD I have. It had more music. I kept flipping the records and learned to place the pin in the exact right spot. At least, I think it is called the pin. I don't usually listen to records. And then the most awesome part of this whole thing occurred. I found a script my father had written in his old radio days. It was tucked in with one of the records. I have transcribed it in part here. All of the spelling is the way it was written. I have not included the Xed out parts. These pages were typewritten. And, despite the stupid jokes, I laughed heartily and loved it. Let's take a look.
STAR STUFF #______
"Blast Off For The Captain's Dream House"
ANN: Yes Stuffies, you can join our hero, Capt. James Shmirk, His trsty companion, Mr. Smock, and their wierd little robot RU-12, as they journey to the planet, "MGM" to view the Capt's dream house, built by the savings of over 25 years of space service. Yes, join us as we..."Blast Off for the Capt's Dream House" (ROCKET)...............
Cap. There it is, Shmock, my dream house..."The Crystal Pigeon" (OOH) I even named it after our Ship!
SHM. Capt., it's beautiful...I'm overwhelmed! what say we go in and look around... I'd like to see it.
CAP. OK, but I want to see the last addition to thedream I've had for years... the workment are now carrying in the biggest treasure I've got... the Throne of the Maraheshmi Mahetmi Ma-yogurt.
SHM. You don't mean the thirty-seven ton gold, platinum, silver and plastic throne that is bedecked with precious jewels and precious stones, do you?
CAP. That's right, Shm... I remember when he gave it to me for saving his kingdom, the Planet "Abu-Dabu" from the treacherous "Imaweirdo Pastrami", who threatened to steal the MMM's Bologna concession at the Universal Sandwich Fair on the planet Oscar Meyer... I've still got the scars from those mustard burns and pickle pieces I caught in my arm. What a Battle!
SHM. I'm just glad that I got there in time with the Peanut butter and Jelly gun, or we might have lost you.
CAP. I'll always be indepted to you for saving my life, Shm.
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