As a rule, I only go to graduations if I have someone interesting to sit with. It is well known that I chatted on my phone through pretty much all of my father's graduation ceremony, and if he goes on to get a doctorate, I can guarantee the same thing will happen again. I'm so synical that I believe the only purpose of a graduation ceremony is for the graduates to get cash and giftcards from everyone they know. And then to go party. The two hours spent sitting listening to some person talk about how important you are to the future and reading off a list of names is superfluous.
Program graduations are only slightly more bearable, as they usually come with a dinner of some sort. I can handle that. Food is always a great picker-upper, plus, you can talk over it. And if the dessert is amazing, well--you can convince me to at least pretend that I'm paying attention.
This dessert was amazing. Three layers of chocolate mousses and rasberries...and I'm happy. This is one to savor. I actually tried to recreate this one, and I think I may have figured something akin to it out.
Mousse mixes in the cooking aisle were a great help, and, while I couldn't build them into perfectly standing little towers, layering them into cocktail glasses made it pretty. In the future, though, I think I shall pipe the mousse in rather than trying to spoon it in. The spoon makes things slightly messy.
Oh, yeah. And I don't like the taste of the coffee mousse instant mix. It doesn't taste like coffee, and it has some weird aftertaste. The chocolate one is awesome, though. :)
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