Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Madman With a Box: A Doctor Who Request

So, the other day, one of my friends and I (yes, it was yet another Rose. I seem to have a lot of Roses that end up on my blog. I might just starting making a tag for you girls.) were talking, and she mentioned how she really wanted to get something that said "definitely a madman with a box." Since I happen to have discovered some items that deal with both madmen and boxes, I have composed this for her perusal. I fully expect to find one of these items in her possession sometime soon. Probably about the time I buy the "Come Along, Pond!" book bag. I need one, anyway. I'm getting tired of having to not drop books or papers and control my purse and go down stairs while turning on my phone. Very inconvenient.


....because, who doesn't want to fly around with a mad man in a box for a year or two?
from This Is Pop! at cafépress, and comes in a variety of t-shirts and bags and...stuff.

Just in case we get snowed in by accident this winter, some cross-stitch.

Dorm room decoration. We all need it.

Definitely a madman with a box ring and bracelet
from foxwise at etsy

Just in case you want to be the madman with the box.

And finally....
The Doctor Who Surprise Package, which, like the TARDIS, is filled with a lot of things, but you never know what you are going to pull out. 

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