Brave is the next big animated movie coming up (at least in my world). Based on the fairy tale of The Bear and the Bow, it is a Tangled-esque story of finding yourself, your true family and the like. Now that Madagascar 3 is out for the world to see and I have very little other commentary about the film, it is time to move on. Brave comes out next, so, logically, it is my next blogging stop, thoughts on Merida's dress included.
Apparently, despite thinking earlier that there were no interesting films coming out this summer, I was wrong, since the line up does include Brave, Dark Knight Rises (but only because Anne Hathaway is awesome), and, uh, maybe Ice Age 3. The Katy Perry film looks interesting, but not interesting enough to wrench open my pocketbook to go. I think it looks interesting mainly because of the weirdness factor. But back to Brave.
The story follows Merida, a king's daughter who is, well, a feisty redhead who knows how to handle a bow. Her wish to be able to change her predicted future leads to the near-destruction of her family, which she then has to save. Accomplice is mad that they changed the name and thus is prepared for it to be awful. I'm a bit more optimistic, although a little concerned that Brave follows so close on the heels of Tangled. I'm hoping that it wasn't simply a response to having such a successful film that they try to churn out another one like it.
I won't be making any costumes or anything based off of Brave. I'm simply not that into the film, and even if I was, I can't create something from every film I like. However, I will be writing about some costumes, especially since Merida's gown reminds me of Susan's archery dress in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
Ah yes. I certainly was considering taking the sleeves off my Susan Archery Dress and making yet another set of Ever After sleeves from that fabric for a quick Brave costume. But... no motivation. And no red wig, either.