TaintedLoves has its own Twitter now! Pretty amazing, huh? I was hesitant to get a twitter, but I finally decided to when I realized I was running across a lot of deals that I simply didn't have time to blog about. I barely have time to blog once every other day right now, yet I'm constantly running across great coupons, discounts and products that I just absolutely love. At the same time, I don't want this blog to turn into a "ooo, look, here's a deal! and here's a coupon! and here this looks so totally cute, and it is on a BOGO sale!" On the other hand, I don't want to hog all the sales, either.
Thus, the perfect solution. A twitter. With twitter, I can swiftly inform all of you lovely people about any deals I find in 160 (or is it 150?) characters or less. Secondly, if I feel incredibly witty or sarcastic, I'll have a place to let loose my randomness. So be warned, I'm sure the twitter will turn into a mixed bag.
Not scared away yet? If you aren't, you can follow me here.
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