Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Resistance Is Futile: You Will Be Assimilated

As of the latest count, five friends and myself will be going to Comic Con next summer. Over my original protests that I would NOT dress up like anything, several of these miscreants have slowly plodded toward the decision to dress up as Doctor Who characters. I can buy this, as everybody wears pretty normal stuff, so I agreed.

Which means....beside all the stuff for my Hatter costume (which I hope to have done by Halloween), I am now setting out on a journey to recreate a lot of Doctor Who stuff. I spent a good hour today tracking down a replica of the Doctor's most recent jacket, so...there's a lot to come.

Anyway, the breakdown so far is: 1 Doctor, 1 Amy Pond, 1 River Song and 1 Weeping Angel. I'm River, Wyrmir is the Doctor, Tina is Amy, and Ithi is the Angel. We're still trying to figure out which costumes we want to use (Ithi's the lucky one, since the Weeping Angels always wear the same sort of thing), so if you feel a burning desire to suggest or request a specific costume, please comment and do so. If I get enough feedback, I may put the top suggested River costumes up on a poll and let you all decide. But that's just maybe.

I'm really looking forward to next summer.

Monday, September 19, 2011

La Belle et la BĂȘte

The End of the Sabbatical

So, if you didn't notice, I took a ten day unannounced sabbatical. Basically, everything was so hectic and complicated and frustrating that I didn't even have energy to complain about it.

Anyway, I'm back. With stuffs. And lots of amazing stuff that I need to take pictures of and post. So keep your eyes peeled. ;)

Friday, September 9, 2011

AerOs: Chocolate Bliss

There is a large spectrum of tastes in chocolate. Many cannot sense it, either because their palate is or because they simply choose not to. Others sense it, but aren't chocolate fans. How they survive, I shall never know.

Anyway, a new chocolate was brought to my attention most recently, one that I had understood was only attainable in Canada.

That is no longer true. The other day, I came home to find three glorious AerO bars sitting on the passthrough. They were nicely arrayed on top of other treats that I shall write about later, but I must say I am deeply grateful to the one who first introduced me to AerOs and to the ones who found these bars, right here in California, to share with me.

For those of you who don't know, an AerO bar is chocolate that has been aerated. And it is really tasty to some people, and to other people, it just taste like plain chocolate. To me, it tastes like slightly burnt chocolate (burnt in a good way, not that black charcoal you get when you accidentally forget to stir it when melting chocolate on the stovetop) with a hint of something else--perhaps cinnamon? Anyway, it is amazing, and I love it. Aerated chocolate wins. So run out to your local World Market/Cost Plus and get some.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The World's Most Politically Correct Book: The Color Purple

I can't stand it. I'm writing a review on The Color Purple, and I'm doing it RIGHT NOW. This is a book I never would have picked up to read for fun, so, obviously, it was connected to a class that I'm taking (this is also the same class that made me watch a film that had Brad Pitt in it, something I had promised myself I would never do). I read the book yesterday, and now I'm having to write gooshy mushy things about how good it is, why I think this is a great book, and why it is great for adapting to the screen. Next week I'll get to write about how nice the script is and how marvelous the film is.

The fact is, the book is anything but, however, there is no option to say why I think The Color Purple is a BAD book. And I'm going to break step with the old adage "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Because I AM going to say something. And it will NOT be nice. Why? Because NO ONE ELSE IS STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE AND SAYING IT! It all comes down to this: The Color Purple is too politically correct to make a good story.

What caused me to finally crack was that I had to compose a list of the themes in the book. Sitting down, I immediately wrote the first five phrases that sprang to mind as themes:
  • Men Are Evil 
  • White People Are Bad 
  • Straight People Are Backward 
  • Spelling is Optional 
  • Religion is Delusional
Obviously, I will be awarded a huge "FAIL" if I turn that in, so I'm not going to. Instead, I'm going to be that NICE person that finds some way to say it has great points about independence, self-discovery, and a variety of other nice sounding things that used to mean great, high values. However, it does lead me to give a rather scathing review about The Color Purple.

 Description: The Color Purple is the story of a African-American woman named Celie, who was abused at a very young age by her step-father. The man she was forced to marry kept up the abuse. She was finally freed from her slavery when another woman, who also happened to be her husband's lover, comes to live in her house and makes her husband behave and introduces Celie to the wonder of real (sexual) freedom. Celie and her companion (who is also married. To, like, three different guys at the same time) discover that man is truly evil, and, since God has to be some white male with a long beard, that he really doesn't exist. They find that the REAL god exists in nature, and every thing, living or not, has a bit of god in them. To free Celie completely from the chains of her past life, they choose to leave and move, eventually returning to Celie's home town to repossess the property and business that Celie's step-father had stolen from Celie and her sister.

Critique: The Color Purple is a sorry excuse for a story. In an attempt to be politically correct and diverse, Alice Walker wrote herself out of what potentially could have been a great story. The writing style itself makes the book extremely difficult to read. For example, from page 17:
First she smile a little. Then she frown. Then she don't look no special way at all. She just stick close to me. She tell me, Your skin. Your hair, Your teefs...He say one night in bed, Well, us done help Nettie all we can. Now she got to go. Where she gon go? I ast.
Now, I work with small children. I can read what they write, and it doesn't bother me that much. However, none of them write books. After slogging through 288 pages of bad spelling, my brain was home to the world's worst headache. If it had been the spelling alone, I could have managed. Yet, in the name of equality, social wrongs could not just be righted, they needed to be turned on their head. Men are subservient to women. Blacks are higher beings than scum whites/asians/indians/etc. They're just the black "rejects" (yes, the book does argue that non-blacks were run out of Africa because they are devolved beings that are not true humans. It is in Nettie and Celie's correspondence, if you feel the need to look it up for yourself, the one addressing it in the most detail begins on page 271). Equality is for the dogs, apparently!

I'm sorry to break it to the world, but, this book is not "a work to stand beside literature of any time and place" (San Francisco Chronicle), nor is it "a saga filled with joy and pain, humor and bitterness, and an array of characters who live, breathe and illuminate the world" (Publishers Weekly). The Color Purple is a near-plotless work that is dying a slow, painful death due to drowning in political correctness. We are beyond the French calling the world to "Bow down to the goddess of Reason!" rather, we have reached the place of bowing down to Irrationality, where right is wrong and wrong is right.

 What ever happened to realizing that we are "created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that REALLY mean we are all created equal, except for whites, Christians, and heterosexuals. Excuse me, I'll go pack my bags and leave you to rewrite history and life so you can live in your nice little alternate reality on earth. Ciao!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

100 Years in 100 Seconds: A Century of Fashion

My dad found this while trawling though one of his many "Oo, wow, look at this cool stuff" sites. He found this one about the same time that he discovered something I already knew: thousands of women apply dead beetles to their lips every day. This is much more fascinating than dead, ground up boiled beetles, and I think it is fitting to a blog that often revolves around fashion. Take a look and be impressed.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Homewurk and School Collide

Today, I won. It doesn't really matter that I only won in the matter of finding eight other people who were grasping for the definitions of these adjectifs (oui, dans la classe francais), and got this amazing french magazine for a prize. Mais, oui!

....more homework to do. Be back later.
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