Monday, October 3, 2011

The Mad Hatter's Sweater Dress: Or, What Rosie Misses On Facebook

For those people who have facebooks (which would be, pretty much, everyone but Rosie), you have a very good summary of what happened to me today. You don't need me to blog it all, because you already saw the awesome sweater, heard me rave over it, and agreed that it is the PERFECT mad hatter sweater. Not that the mad hatter wears sweaters, but hey. Somebody does. And its nearly winter.

Please, then, bear with us as Rosie gets a little taste of my day:
Status Update #1: Somehow, my breakfast disappeared from my bag so I am starved. Now I have visions of stuffed butter croissants dancing in my head.
Status Update #2: I'm in love. Anyone up for giving me donations???? That's what I should add to my blog...a donations box......
Status Update #3: I have just decided I am going to quit school and run away to join the circus. Or something.

 The third status got eaten up by Doctor Who, inevitably ending with the stroppy homicidal mermaid. The second, though, had a link. To the sweater. This sweater is one that would be right up my alley. In fact, it is, except for the price. If it didn't cost quite as much ($155!) I would have ordered this in a heartbeat. The sweater is called Paris, but it really fits with Underworld much better. The uneven hem style, the varying colors, the crazy swirls all scream perfection at me. Their description runs as follows:
Long below knee length knit retro jacket with fur collar, embellished floral designs and unique swirls on side hem. It is definately a jacket that your friends will not have.
How right! I could see myself wearing this one foggy morning while I force myself to leave the warm comforts of my car to find my room in the gulag for the morning. It would be cheery, a nice statement against all the gloom! It would make me smile, and it would keep me warm. It is stylish and unique and fuzzy and all sorts of other very, very good things. Also, a huge plus is that it is long. The only long things that look good are usually full coats, and it doesn't get cold enough to really merit those around here.

* sigh * I'm in LOVE.


  1. Awesome post! The jacket is on sale for 80.00 I believe so possibly a bit cheaper. (I hear there will be a great sale on it on black friday almost 100 off but your going to have to pray your size is left since there are only 6 left). Hope you win it this week! ;)

    Nathaniel Johnson
    Apostolic Co., SEO

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