First, tell us a little about yourself. What do you consider yourself to be?
What do I see myself as, eh? There are so many answers for this, but I’ll stick to a simple one. I’m an aspiring science fiction writer who’s still learning the trade. Along the way I’m bumbling my way through job seeking and living life in general.
Is that what you originally went to school for, or have things changed along the way?
Ah, a clue that I answered the first questions right! Yes, writing is what I went to school for hence why I’m not very focused in my job search. I decided my senior year of high school that I was going to make a living writing, so I applied for a college that had a creative writing degree. I haven’t looked back.
Favorite hobbies?
Other than writing? Music (which was my other career option) will always be a part of me and so it comes out through singing (in choirs or alone) and the occasional playing the piano.
My other hobby which will never change is daydreaming. When I have a free moment I’m always dreaming up a story and, lately, these stories have been turning into inspiration for my various writing projects.
I suppose reading can be considered a hobby as well. I’m kind of addicted to reading so I don’t see myself ever dropping this, though the method and source might change.
My other hobbies fluctuate.
Are you musically inclined?
Um, yes. See last answer. I sing and play piano and fiddle around on other instruments.
What age group are you in?
The “Just graduated on schedule and am job hunting” age group. In other words, somewhere between 22 and 25.
Are you the type of person who has to get everything done perfectly, or are you more happy go lucky?
Perfectionist. Guilty as charged. Though, I have learned to relax in some areas.
How does that affect your everyday life?
How does that affect my life? Depends on which area it is. If I can or feel like controlling it, it’s under a rigid schedule or method of doing things. If it’s an area I don’t bother controlling, it’s a neat mess.
Do your clothing choices reflect that?
Hmm…maybe. But not really. I’m not too fussed about clothing. So it’s an in between area.
Do your clothing choices reflect your hobbies in any way?
Outside of an interest in trying to look a bit more eclectic, no.
About how much do you spend on clothing each month?
Probably not more than $10-$20 on average. I shop cheap (thrift stores, Wal-mart, etc.) and I don’t tend to go shopping unless I need or want something.
Do you prefer shopping online or in person?
Most absolutely in person. I can do non-clothing shopping online, but I just can’t order clothes or clothing related items online. I need to try something on before I’ll buy it.
What are your favorite stores?
Goodwill (it’s a treasure trove!). As for other stores, I pay more attention to the clearance rack than the store or brand.
What would you call your style?
Comfortable clothing which vacillates between rather boring and slightly fashionable.
What color is your favorite to wear?
Judging by the clothes I own, black. Not that I’m emo or goth. I just like the color. But I also like wearing purple.
What color do you feel looks awful on you?
Orange, closely followed by yellow. I try to avoid red and pink but I’ll wear them if they’re the right hue.
Do you like patterns?
I do to a certain extent. I tend towards small patterns though and I don’t have many patterns among my clothes. I’m trying to add more though.
If you had an unlimited budget, what would your dream outfit look like?
See, that’s the problem. I haven’t ever thought of a dream outfit. But the requirements would be a comfortable outfit that was also fashionable and modest.
How do you think clothing reflects personality?
Clothing choices are a pretty good mirror for a person’s values and priorities as well as personality. But when you see an extrovert walking around in a loud, colorful print and an introvert in muted colors and cuts, you can’t deny it does reflect the person. After all, each person chooses his/her own clothing and so is drawn to something uniquely self-expressive.
Do you have any "mood outfits", or outfits that always make you feel good or impressive?
Yup. These tend to be my “dressed up” or “fashionable” outfits which I put together with a purpose or occasion in mind.
Do you have anything else you would like to share with us?
Not really. Except that I’m very honored to be featured. :D
Where is your blog, and what is it about?
My blog, Writer’s Nook, can be found at It’s my thoughts and opinions as a writer as well as other things I find interesting.