Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Wear, Easy: T-Shirts

I used to hate t-shirts. Probably thanks to being forced into suits and polos or button-downs every day, I'm now reveling in the time now that I can spend freely in a T-shirt. So, I've become a bit of a shirt connoisseur this summer. I've only picked up two or three, but I have a long drool list. I'll share a few of my favorites with you.

My number 1 most wanted right now is a great Alice shirt from ArtFire member Tartx. This shirt has some awesome artwork on it (a portion of it  from the books I first read as a child), and is just plain old fun. I don't usually get shirts that are based off of films or books, but this is an exception. I especially love the slightly frustrated Alice, and the equally annoyed flamingo. I suppose my fascination with Alice in Wonderland comes from having first read both books while I was running an incredibly high fever, thus, it is exempt from all my normal media judgements.

There are a few ties for second, mainly because I meandered through Coldwater Creek the other day and fell in love with several shirts. There is, of course, the silver beaded shirt (left), which reminds me of an icy, slow moving river that is just waking up. The coolness of the beading counterbalances the casualness of the fact that it is a t-shirt. Awesome shirt. The sunflower tee is nice, and is somewhat like my black rose tee, just the flowers are upside down from each other.

Then, of course, there are more abstract flowers, which I also love. This one is particularly colorful and versatile, and I like that. Easy to throw this on over a basic black or brown or blue or whatever skirt or pair of pants. The abstract leaves shirt has the same feel, but is only in black and white, which is fine by me. Both shirts are great for those early mornings where you can be casual but don't want to exert brain power on matching things. Of course, the same thing applies to this glow in the dark shirt, which is weirdly fun. I don't see myself really wearing this one, though, although it does remind me of a certain outfit of Liv Tyler's that we discussed perviously.

Finally, my inner makeup artist (hey, its my job) comes out. I don't know how many of you remember the disassembled gun shirts that were popular a few years ago (this is the closest I could find), but there's an airbrush version too. Booyah. Unfortunately, I doubt that many people would "get it," so no purchase here. I'm still thinking about the Alice and Ice ones, though.....

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