Friday, June 10, 2011

Down With The Bloody Big Head: Planning to be the Hatta

I stopped going to dress-up birthday parties when I was about eight. Since then, I have not dressed up for one party, and princess themed items have been waaaaay out of the question. Until you hit college. Then, all of a sudden, its like your six again. Dress up?? I'd love to! Wear a tiara?? EVEN BETTER! The only problem is, when I was six, my parents bought my costume for me, or my mom made it. Now, I'm on my own. However, either way, I am planning on attending an Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party.

I was originally considering going as The White Queen, but decided that it is

  • too complicated of a costume 
  • going to be a very expensive costume
  • too hot to wear that sort of dress in the middle of summer.
So, that idea has been ditched. Instead, I've decided to make up my own random costume idea, which, for some reason, is much more permissible when you are taking a male character and designing a costume for a female. My choice: The Mad Hatter. I intend to base it on the Hatter Johnny Depp played, but other than that, I don't have many ideas. The basic design I've sketched out so far would have a basic corset/bodice that would be a suitable bright color (lime green [pictured], a pink/bright purple and a deep purple have all been considered), as well as a loose-sleeved shirt somewhat reminiscent of what Kiera Knightly wears in Dead Man's Chest--if I can find it, of course. A bright, perhaps clashing skirt would be necessary,  possibly in the style of a gypsy skirt.

I'm still hunting for a cute top hat and, I think I have a multi-colored scarf that could double for a bowtie.

I'm starting to think I'm crazy......


  1. I'm starting to think I'm crazy......

    You are. But don't mistake insanity for genius. ;)

  2. I shall only reply with one comment.

    Sanity is Relative. Especially my sanity.


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