My dear friend Sky keeps teasing me that I need to blog about her, since she is supposedly my "EVUL elf lady-in-training," whatever THAT means. Anyway, I finally settled down to create a list of questions and made Sky my guinea pig at this Featured Blogger thing.
What age group are you in? Between 15 and 25. :P
About how much do you spend on clothing each month? Um... $0? I am really not as much of a clothes person as one might think. I only buy a couple new outfits every season.
Do you prefer shopping online or in person? I'm the kind of person who needs to try on the clothes in person before she can buy them.
What are your favorite stores? Target. Good clothes for good prices. ;)
What would you call your style? A mix of vintage, modern, and classy.
What color is your favorite to wear? I really like purples and blues, because they bring out my eyes. I also have a lot of neutral colors, like black, brown, and gray, that I like to wear with splashes of color.
What color do you feel looks awful on you? I'm not a big fan of oranges or super bright neon colors.
Do you like patterns? That depends. I like polka dots and stripes in a general sense, but don't have a lot of pieces of clothing with them on it. I do like plaid button-up shirts though.
If you had an unlimited budget, what would your dream outfit look like? That would definitely depend on my mood that day. I'd like to purchase a nice 50's style dancing gown, or something reminiscent of the costumes from Narnia or Lord of the Rings. But for a more modern look, I'd probably want to buy some nice sunglasses, scarves, and accessories so that I can dress up the typical jeans & t-shirt look.
Does your blog reflect your clothing styles? Yes, definitely. I like to post my sets that I make on Polyvore. Though I am far from being a fashion blogger.
Why or why not? I like to show off the sets I make on Polyvore, because they reflect the clothes that I want but don't have. As for why I'm not a fashion blogger, well... I'm not exactly fashionable in what I wear day-to-day. But I try. :P
How do you think clothing reflects personality? Clothing reflects personality because it's an outward reflection of who you are. Unfortunately, clothes are the first thing people usually notice, so I believe your clothing should be an expression of you. Are you quirky? Dress quirky. Are you retro? Dress retro. And the list goes on.
Do you have anything else you would like to share with us? When I was little, my mom always said that pink didn't go with red. I am still unsure about this.
Where is your blog, and what is it about? You can find my blog at It's about my life, my Savior, my music, my fandoms, with the occasional spurt of song lyrics and the clothes that I wish I had. :P
If you would like your blog featured, feel free to contact me.
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