Sunday, June 5, 2011

Polyvore Weddings: I'm Stuck

Today is day three of this project, and, I've made exactly 1/2 of my project beautiful. The problem is, I've not the least idea with what to do with the other half. Unless I think of something overnight, I'm pretty sure this will mean I drop my resolve to use only Nordstrom items.

Not that everything's been all bad. I did learn how to use "color blocks", and I really enjoy the added effect, which was classy and simple. But it isn't enough. There is something missing. I much prefer the look that was perfected by my polyvore friend Anita.Rebel yell!✯·•●♥, who, for her more rebellious tendencies, does have a very good artistic sense. One of my favorite pieces that she created to is the one pictured to the left, a polyvore Anita created for her mother (click on it for a larger version with more detail). Anita also has the gift for speed, churning out a high-quality design pretty much every other day--although, I have noticed that she makes good use of templates, something I (again) only recently discovered.

Ah, I think talking about Anita--and staring at her polyvore set--has given me some ideas. I think part of the reason I feel unhappy with adding more to my set (which I know I need to do), is because its making it too top heavy (although I am still refusing to put any shoes in this set). Perhaps I might not need to break my Nordstom-only resolve, after all.....

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