Sunday, June 12, 2011

Down With The Bloody Big Head: Starting from the Top

Since I wrote of the beginning of my Mad Hatter adventure, several things have happened. First, the party got moved, and no one told me, so its over. Oh well. Secondly, I ordered the hat. I decided to go with a white mini top hat, for a few reasons. First off, I always think that minis look better on females than standard top hats, and I happen to be a said female. Secondly, with the various ways I've experimented with my hair, a small hat that can perch precariously in the midst of a LOT of hair would be a good idea, since I do happen to have three or four feet of hair. Finally, I chose white because I can then decorate it however I choose, and while I may want to use paint or dyes at some point, I would prefer to work on a white surface rather than a black one.

This hat has also gotten kudos from me for having the right shape. Most of the hats that were under $25 (search engines won't usually let me select a price range lower than that) also happened to have a straight up-and-down edge to it, which is quite different than the sloping out edges of the Mad Hatter's hat.

I should be able to do most of the work on the hat from scraps that I've saved from other projects. I'm anticipating only having to buy the hatpins and the peacock feather for this part of the project. Huzzah.


  1. Top hats are so cool. I want one. :P Hmm, maybe I should get it in black, since that's what Lady Z would do. ;)

  2. lol, yes, they are awesome. :) This one, when I'm done with it, will not be white. It will probably be purple or blue or green. Something that nicely complements orange yak hair. :P

    ...except I won't be using yak hair. I have enough of my own. :P


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